Saturday, April 25, 2015

Game of Thrones

Hey everyone!
I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but I've been busy with trying to get my Etsy shop up and running! I've received some orders here and there while trying to come up with new projects, and I get a lot of work from school too!! But finals are coming around soon, so I should have a lot of crochet time very shortly :)

Anyway... My latest project is Game of Thrones!!! I actually completed these pieces in time for the season 5 premiere a few weeks back, but I didn't get a chance to post it here on the blog (sorry!!!). I actually had tons of fun with these characters, and I hope you'll see why ;)

Daenerys Targaryen

Here is Khaleesi / Queen, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen! I chose her blue outfit from season 4 because that was my favorite, as well as her hairstyle. She was super fun to crochet and I hope you all like her as well :)

The Dragons

Now here are my favorite crochet characters so far! Drogon, Visersion, and Rhaegal are Daenerys' three dragons (who are now adult-sized and ferocious now). These crochet versions of them are super cute and are baby-sized to us, but teenager-sized (if that's the phase of life that they were in season 4) to amigurumi Daenerys. I loved crocheting them so much <3 

Rhaegal, Drogon, and Viserion pictured in that order below.

(And their wings are adjustable!)

So I hope you all liked this latest installment! All of these amigurumi are available for purchase in my Etsy shop for anyone interested! As always, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest: just click the links on the side :)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Star-Lord Keychain

Another snow day, another post! So I got a request recently for a custom order Star-Lord amigurumi, but as a keychain. I haven't made a keychain in a while, so I was happy to do it. I loved the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, too. It is one of my favorites! Making a tiny Star-Lord was really fun, and here's the result :)

The buyer also requested to have a mini space gun to go with the keychain. Since it had to be so small, I couldn't really crochet one. But I did end up making it out of clay and painting it to look like Star-Lord's actual gun from the movie!

And here he is compared to my hand! He's about 2.5 inches tall, or 4 inches including the key ring part. This is probably the smallest thing I've made so far!

I really liked making this order, it was a lot of fun and I loved how it turned out! If you would like to request a custom order, please visit my etsy shop!
In other news, I recently had my first sale! This lovely person bought my Sherlock and John amigurumi, and I was so excited to make them! They just arrived today, and she even posted a photo on Instagram :) If anyone would like to purchase something, head over to JustByJanelle on etsy, or you can find me on Instagram @justbyjanelle

I should still have my regularly scheduled weekend post, but since I had a free day, I thought I might as well feature this cute little keychain! As for my upcoming post, expect to see a character from a soon-to-be-returning tv series!! (Hint: It's on HBO).

See you all in a couple days!

Friday, February 27, 2015

BBC Sherlock

I've been working on my Etsy shop this past week, as well as a new series, so I've been pretty busy lately. But, I am happy to present my now-completed BBC Sherlock amigurumi!

NEW: Thanks to their unexpected popularity, Sherlock and John are now available in my Etsy shop!

Sherlock Holmes

Here is Sherlock in his trademark coat and scarf. I had a lot of fun making him and his coat! I even got the little red thing on the lapel to the right :)
His hair was a bit tricky, since I needed it to look curly without having to leave loose strands. I think it looks pretty clean!

John Watson

Here is John! I learned a new technique to make his sweater :3 I think I might have to make his body thinner so that he doesn't look too poofy with the sweater on, but I also think he looks really cute like this! I also figured out how to make a tiny little polo collar thing that he usually wears underneath the sweater. 
I am just a bit sad that I didn't have the right color yarn for his sweater, but it came close so it still looks like the actual thing. I also couldn't for the life of me figure out the color of his hair! Is it grey, blonde, or brown?? I just went with what looked best out of what I had. The brown I used is actually a bit lighter than in the photo though.

And here is the dynamic duo up close!

So I think that they each came out pretty nicely! They are now in my shop along with the Hobbit series!

I think my next goal is to work on some Doctor Who characters since someone requested that, but I've also received a request for Harry Potter. If you want to suggest my next line of amigurumi, visit me on my Instagram and comment on any of my photos! I'd love to hear from everybody.

Until next week!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Etsy: JustByJanelle

Hello everyone! I'm very pleased to announce my grand opening of Just By Janelle on Etsy! You can now buy my crochet creations here:

Right now, I'm only listing my "The Hobbit Series" for sale. I'll list more items later on, but you will always see them on my website here first, as well as on my Instagram.
Please check out my new shop to buy your own amigurumi versions of the characters from The Hobbit!

**Click on the images to see them in my Etsy shop**

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Hobbit Series (Part 5)


Hello again! I've finally finished the winner of the poll, which was Gandalf. He took a bit longer than I expected, but since I had a long weekend, I was able to finish him only a day late. Well, here is the Grey Wizard!

His beard was actually really fun to make! :) 
It was a bit tedious, but all I had to do was sew in pieces of yarn, then gently comb through all of the yarn. I had to make sure I got every single strand, otherwise it would look out of place. But I'm really pleased with the end result! I hope it looks realistic to you.

His hat is not removable because I thought it would be such a hassle trying to get it to stay on his head if I didn't sew it on. It took me two tries to finally get that wizard hat correct! That was probably the most difficult part of making Gandalf.

And here is that meddlesome wizard, dragging Bilbo off for an adventure. Poor hobbit, hopefully his dwarf friends can help him out ;)

I'm quite fond of my little Gandalf, so thanks to everyone who voted for him! I think I ought to make an elf next, since quite a few others asked for one. I wonder which one I'll make...

And just a heads up, my preparations for my Etsy shop are coming along quite nicely! I should have the shop open either tomorrow (since I don't have school) or sometime this week. I'm very excited to have a shop, and I hope you'll all take a look! 

Until the next time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Hobbit Series: Line of Durin

Line of Durin

Finally, here is the Line of Durin: Thorin, Fili, and Kili! They are from my amigurumi version of "The Hobbit" movie characters. I hope you like them!

Above is the photo I used for reference. I also posed them in the same way. How do they compare? :)

And here are some of just the brothers, Fili and Kili!

And here the princes are with little Bilbo!

And here are what I like to call the "family photos." I certainly felt like a family photographer during this photo shoot. The real Fili and Kili probably wouldn't have been so patient and still during the shoot... ;)

And there they are, all happily together with their hobbit :)

Maybe I had a bit too much fun taking these photos, but they certainly came out alright!  I'm quite pleased with the final products, and I hope you guys are as well. They were really fun to crochet and now I'm quite fond of them. They look like they're all ready for an adventure soon!

Ok, now for a bit of house keeping: I will be taking a short break from the Company members (as in the dwarves), but I don't want to stop crocheting yet. I think that for now, I'll stick within the Tolkien / Hobbit universe and move on to a different fandom once I'm done. Based on the results from my poll on my blog and on Instagram, the next character I'm making is... Gandalf! 
I hope you're all looking forward to seeing the grey wizard as much as I am! Come back in a week or so to see if he's arrived. 
Until the next time!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Hobbit Series (Part 4)


Ok, I know this is earlier than I anticipated (a lot earlier), but I had unexpected free time since I have another snow day. I hope no one minds! 
Anyway, here is the fourth part of my amigurumi "The Hobbit" series, featuring the younger heir to the Erebor throne, Prince Kili!

I hope I got his beard right, although it's more like stubble than beard... Poor Kili :(

I had a lot of fun making his hair! It looks cool, and it was easier than the other dwarves because he doesn't have any braids. But, I did give him more hair than everyone else. :)

Here is Kili with "The Hobbit" book.

And a special sneak peak at my next post! Yes, it's Fili and Kili, together at last! My next post will be the Sons of Durin all together, with a little guest appearance ;)

After my next post, I'll announce the winner of the poll for the next Hobbit character that I'm making. In case you were curious, it looks like it's going to be an elf or a wizard, but there's still time to vote. Just go to the poll on the side of my blog or comment on any of my recent "The Hobbit Series" posts! 
Don't forget: you can find me on Instagram @justbyjanelle and get some cool sneak peaks and work-in-progress photos! And I'm also considering a giveaway sometime, too!!
Check back in again soon!