Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Hobbit Series (Part 3)


I'm excited to present the third installment of the Hobbit series! I was able to get this little guy done earlier than usual because I had some free time for once this past week (thanks to the snow day and delayed opening!). So, I proudly present the heir to the throne of Erebor, Prince Fili! :D

Look at him in his little fur coat :3

Here are some side views of the golden-haired dwarf prince!  His braids were a bit troublesome to make since they were small, especially his tiny mustache braids. But, it was worth it in the end!

And here are some photos from behind! I wasn't sure whether or not to put one big braid in the back of his head, or just tie it and let it be loose. As you can probably tell, I kind of did a mix? Whatever it is, I happen to like it! :)

Just as a little side note, Fili is pretty much the same size as Thorin, and both of them are bigger than Bilbo (they are dwarves, after all!). So, he's about 5 inches (or almost 13 cm) tall.

And of course, here is Fili posing with my pocket-edition "The Hobbit" book. 

I hope you all liked this latest addition to my amigurumi Hobbit series! I've been getting a lot more buzz on Google + and Instagram, so thank you for that! I also received a request to make Thranduil, which I am absolutely planning to do, but I wanted to make one more company member before I take a short break from the dwarves (they can be quite the demanding bunch for sure!). 
I will try to get the next post finished soon so that I can complete the request (which was on Instagram). If you guys want some fun behind-the-scenes or work-in-progress pictures, follow me on Instagram @justbyjanelle ! And, if you want me to make anything in particular, just send me a request either through my blog (Contact page) or Instagram, I'd love to hear from you!
See you next week! ;)

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